Maverick H.

Financial Modeling and Mechanical Designs

Hi, I’m Mav. I work out of Madison, Wisconsin and my primary focus is to help Wisconsin businesses thrive and become more technically advanced in their operations. After gaining knowledge and experience working on current data analysis projects, I can help businesses of all sizes streamline data organization and presentation. Over the past 6 years, I have specialized in assisting restaurant owners and clients gain the upper hand in data analytics against their competition. My spreadsheets have been helpful for staffing, reviewing previous years' weak spots, working on future projections and growth opportunities. Let’s be honest most clients don’t know the ins and outs of excel, and that is because you don’t need to! That’s where I come in. I pride myself in being able to listen to a client's goals and translate them into Excel spreadsheets. Excel Services I specialize in: ---------------------------------- - Financial modeling, budgeting - Accounting Profit and Loss Analysis - Creating VBA programs to automate processes

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  • Microsoft Excel
  • Visual Basic for Applications

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