Md. Aminul I.
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Photo Editing Expert

I’ve been a Photo Editor for the last 10 years. When I was 20, I fall in love with photo editing work and this relationship still continues. My first work was editing an image for a friend of mine. I was very satisfied with it and how brilliant it was. When I look at it know, I can’t believe that my handmade something like this. I’ve changed my style, Now I try to do something creative. I made a team. We’re a small, friendly, and talented team. We craft beautiful digital solutions for awesome clients across all the Designing Platforms. We have a graphics studio with a sufficient number of highly skilled DTP professionals offering all types of image treatment services to the world. It delivers high-quality hand-drawn clipping path, shadow effect, image masking, retouching, designing, and other Photoshop and Illustrator services at a competitive price and quick turnaround time. This way, clients from all over the world can have the equivalent of an in-house design studio right in their own office. If you looking for a young and energetic graphics designing company in Bangladesh then you are in the Right Place. Though we are based in Dhaka, Bangladesh, we offer photo edit and graphics design services throughout the country and worldwide. So wherever you are, please get in touch to talk about your requirements with us. We promise to provide a cost-effective solution for individuals and companies seeking the very best in any kind of graphics designing platform. Thanks :)

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  • Background Removal
  • Fashion & Beauty
  • PDF
  • Adobe Photoshop Elements
  • Photo Retouching
  • Photo Color Correction

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