Fabiana I.
Porto San GiorgioItaly
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Revit | BIM | Scan to BIM | H-BIM | Revit Parametric families expert

Background as Structural engineer, BIM passionate from the beginning, I started working with Revit in 2007/2008 and, since then, I became a specialist, accumulating considerable experience and knowledge in all the Revit-related workflows: modeling, phasing, site, documentation & detailing, worksharing and so on. For my models and those of clients, I build my own Revit parametric families, with any grade of complexity, appropriate geometry, level of detail, and overall performance when loaded. In 2016 I started using Revit to perform Scan to BIM and H-BIM (Historical / Heritage BIM), since then I modeled a variety of buildings from the Point Clouds provided by my clients. If available, I am happy to make use of Matterport, NavVis or other Virtual Tours. Due to my experience, knowledge of buildings and construction techniques, and my Revit mastery, I work fast, and smoothly and replicate an existing common or historical building model with great accuracy. I got certified as Autodesk professional Revit user in Architectural & Structural disciplines and authorized as Revit instructor (ACI program).

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  • BIM Family Creation
  • Point Cloud to BIM
  • BIM Family
  • BIM Quantity Takeoff

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