Sidra J.
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Experienced Freelancer For Writing/Editing + VA/Admin Support

Hello, my name is Sidra Jabeen and I'm a freelance writer with years of content writing and editing experience encompassing over 200 contracts on Upwork. I write high quality, clear, and eloquent articles, blog posts, and other content for websites. Apart from writing, I've also delivered several graphic designing and VA/Admin Support, Customer Service-related projects to various clients. Benefits of my writing. - Can help increase your search engine ranking through SEO. - Can help make your site look more professional. - Can help to position your company as an authority on relevant business topics. - Can increase your overall marketing efficiency. - Can prevent you from having to write this content yourself, or trying to have one of your employees write it. If you are interested in my services, please feel free to contact me today by messaging me, pressing the hire button, or pressing the invite to interview button! I encourage all messages, and look forward to hearing from you. I am also knowledgeable on cryptocurrencies and did a lot of blockchain/cryptocurrency writing for several writers in the past. So, if you need cryptocurrency writing or any other type of writing like articles, blogs, cookbooks, please feel free reach out. Thank you!

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  • Nonfiction
  • Cookbook
  • Technical Writing
  • Communications
  • User Manual

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Get started working with Sidra quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get any work related to Administrative Support/Virtual Assistance

From $360
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