Gaurav Singh M.

Full-Stack Developer - Node.js | React.js | Laravel

I am a Senior Full-Stack Developer with 22+ years of work experience & represent a team of seasoned developers specializing in JavaScript, LAMP, MERN & MEAN. I have been working on Upwork (oDesk back then) since 2007, and have successfully worked on projects related to SaaS, FinTech, eCommerce, EMR (Healthcare & Tele-Medicine) & related mobile apps. Although fixed priced format has been considered complicated & unreliable by many but I have extensive experience with the same and my work history of repetitive clients amply reflects the same along-with my impeccable record of on-time delivery & availability. Skill-set: - Languages: JavaScript, TypeScript, Php, Java - Front-end frameworks: Meteor, React.js, Angular, Vue.js - Back-end frameworks: GraphQL, Node.js, Laravel, Symfony, Codeigniter, Yii I am looking for long-term challenging work.

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  • PostgreSQL
  • WordPress
  • Ruby on Rails
  • RESTful API
  • React Native
  • LAMP Stack


Endorsements from past clients

"I have had Gaurav work on multiple projects with PHP, JavaScript, IOS and Android and every tine he has been on time and his work is the best we have seen. Gaurav pays attention to details and he communicates very well with our team. I have worked with this developer for many years and on many projects and every time we are very pleased with his work. We never worry about the completion of a project or the quality of the work. If you are looking for the best hire Gaurav. "

Marie Y.
Mar 2020


"I hired Gaurav Singh Manhas for a website re-platform project for a large company. The project included custom functionality/programming as well as integration with other programs. Mr. Manhas is excellent at his profession. He is not only knowledgable, but he is also extremely responsive, deadline-driven, and results-oriented. I highly recommend him for the development or integration of any website, app, or other software."

Christine M.
Mar 2020


"Gaurov is a hard worker who did signal work on our project!"

Ron R.
Mar 2020


"Gaurav and his team are very capable and dependable. He provided me with accurate estimates and gave clear communication throughout the completion of my project. His dedication to results produced exactly what I had envisioned the final product would be."

Tony T.
Mar 2020


"Gaurav is an excellent full stack developer with great experience. He is able to take ownership of projects and solve problems across the spectrum. He is very good at understanding application structure and end-user requirements to develop solutions that are complete and effective. Very good communication and project management as well. Very highly recommended. "

Gaurav B.
Mar 2020
