Adam M.
100% Job Success
Top Rated

Executive Resume Writer & Career Counselor (19 Years) | Outplacement

I'm booking new leadership clients every day!! Send your most recent Resume/LinkedIn URL for free, honest review & receive; 1) My transparent process 2) Detailed deliverables 3) Packages available 4) Estimated timeline & Fixed-price or hourly quotes *Important Note: I don't have anywhere close to the active clients listed, as most are completed (some clients keep contracts open if they need future career services work). ABOUT ME: • I've rewritten 5,900+ resumes & optimized 2,400+ LinkedIn profiles in 19 years • Highly experienced Career Counselor (M.S. Counseling Psychology - Vocational focus) • UpWork's Top 1% of global talent & Top-Rated by clients for 7 straight years since 2017. • Solo owner of DIYCareerGuy LLC since 2016; a full-service career solutions company • Corporate Outplacement; I help departing employees empathetically transition into the job market. • Former Adjunct Professor @ SUNY Oswego (business communications) HR EXPERIENCE: I have also worked in HR. I know the hiring process first-hand, which is critical to understanding what Recruiters & Hiring Managers need to see from top candidates's resumes, LinkedIn, etc. My global network of Recruiters & Hiring Managers is massive, so working with me is also a potential opportunity to connect you with my network. EXECUTIVE RESUMES REWRITTEN CORRECTLY (19+ years): • I rewrite/reformat resumes to be simple, easy-to-digest, clutter free & focused on YOUR value • I do it by highlighting your specific leadership actions, processes/tools & results (critical!) • My clients are Director, Executive & C-suite-level talent • A great executive resume is a blend of simple, concise professional presentation, compelling, results-focused content, and a reflection of your natural career path into executive capacities. • Important; I complete ALL work myself, based on that 19 years of experience and NEVER farm out my clients' work (careful, because that's a trend in this industry). ALL CAREER SERVICES: Executive Resume Rebuilding | LinkedIn Optimization | Executive Career Counseling | Modern Corporate Outplacement | Academic CV Editing | Executive Bio Writing | Job Search Strategy | Cover Letter Advisement | Total Comp. Negotiations | Personal Website Audits NOTABLE CLIENT INDUSTRIES: Big Tech | Startups | Operations | Healthcare | Marketing/PR | Product Management | Supply Chain | FinTech | Human Resources | Finance/Banking | Legal | Government | Engineering | Manufacturing | Oil & Gas | CPG | Professional Sports | Non-Profits | Banking | Film & Entertainment | Media/TV | Fine Arts, etc. *NOTE: Please vet anyone claiming you have to "Beat the ATS." It's a myth, trust me, I have worked in HR and know the hiring process first hand. Also, I'm friends with DOZENS of great Recruiters that use an ATS daily. Understand what its' purpose is and stop falling for Career Coaches' BS selling you lies. Your resume needs to be clearly written to convince Recruiters you meet the minimum job qualifications.

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  • HR & Business Services
  • Outplacement
  • Resume Design
  • LinkedIn Profile Optimization
  • LinkedIn Profile Creation
  • Interview Preparation
  • Career Coaching
  • Mock Interview