Nahid S.
93% Job Success
Top Rated

Senior Graphic Designer

I know it can be a rocky road to find right graphic designer that has the skills you need and who is actually motivated to work closely with you and that you can trust to get the job done RIGHT the FIRST time. I am a Top Rated Graphic Designer with 10+ years of experience and 500+ successful jobs on Upwork and I intentionally target, a select group of clients that I can work closely with, so we can get the exact results that you’re looking for. ✔ 10 years of experience in graphic design ✔ Senior graphic designer ✔ Perfect knowledge of visual design principles, data visualization, infographics, typography, imagery, and iconography Areas of expertise: ✔ Presentation Design : PowerPoint, Google Slides, Canva - Brand Identity Design: Logo, color palette, typography, brand book etc. ✔Print material design : Brochure, flyer, mailer, poster, catalog, white paper, etc. ✔email & Newsletter Design : Mailchimp, Constant Contact ✔Social media post, story, cover design – ✔Video production: Small video and video ads Tools: ✔Adobe Photoshop ✔Adobe Illustrator ✔Adobe InDesign ✔Canva ✔ PowerPoint ✔ Microsoft Word ✔ Google Docs ✔ Google Slides ✔ Mailchimp ✔ Constant Contact

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  • Video Editing & Production
  • Corporate Branding
  • Newsletter
  • Brochure Design
  • Social Media Design

Get started working with Nahid quickly with these predefined projects.

Get started working with Nahid quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get captivating editable Canva Social Media Post

From $20
2 days delivery

You will get engaging editable Canva designs as per your requirements

From $30
2 days delivery

You will get an Impactful and Creative Health and Fitness Presentation

From $100
2 days delivery

You will get an elegant Investment and Finance Presentation design

From $60
2 days delivery


Endorsements from past clients

"I am truly fortunate to work with Nahid. She is part of the team at JITexec. Despite being over 1000 miles away, her impact on our projects is immeasurable. Nahid's expertise as a professional instructional designer has elevated our workshops to new heights. Her ability to craft masterful presentations has not only impressed me but has consistently left our workshop goers and clients in awe. Nahid's dedication to her craft is evident in every detail of her work. Her presentations are not just informative; they are true works of art that captivate and engage our audience. Beyond her exceptional professional skills, Nahid brings a warm heart and a loving spirit. Her dynamic approach to collaboration has created a positive and harmonious working environment. Highly Recommend!"

Kanya O.
Feb 2024


"I hired Nahid S. for several marketing brochures. She made it easy to accomplish my goals. I simply provided her a sample to understand the goal of how the piece should flow and sent her the copy including headlines with simple directions on where I thought infographics would work. She had me a first draft within days and was quick to make any edits. Very pleased with the end result and excited to get my brochures printed. "

Sheila H.
Oct 2023


"I have utilized Nahid's tremendous design services multiple times that have included brochures, booklets and even packaging box designs. She is extremely creative, quick to respond, and easy to work with. I have worked with many designers over the years but will continue to be utilizing Nahid in the future and would highly recommend her services."

John B. | President
Oct 2023


"Our collaboration with Nahid was an exemplary display of creative professionalism at its finest. Tasked with intricate graphic design projects, Nahid didn't just meet our expectations but significantly surpassed them, demonstrating her artistic depth and technical prowess in every design. She delivered compelling, high-quality work well within our timelines, illustrating not only her efficiency but also a laudable dedication to her client's objectives. Having interacted with various professionals over my time on this platform, Nahid genuinely raises the bar. Her unique blend of aesthetic sensitivity and understanding of the latest design trends results in visuals that are both striking and strategically aligned with business goals. Beyond her undeniable talent, Nahid impressed us with her"

Alan H.
Oct 2023


"Nahid did a lot of powerpoint slides for our company. She is very good. I have hired her back over and over again. Her design is clean and she is very good in meeting timelines."

Gladys L. | Co-Founder & Principal, Business Rule Solutions, L
Nov 2020


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