Mehmet K.
99% Job Success
Top Rated Plus

Full Stack Developer | Data Engineer | AI Developer

I am Mehmet, a distinguished freelancer on Upwork specializing in full-stack development, data engineering, scraping, and AI development. My extensive experience includes a range of successful projects and a strong track record of client satisfaction. I offer comprehensive data services, including extraction, validation, and pipeline development. I regularly deliver customized datasets, visual dashboards for maintaining data pipelines, and data extractions. I have a background in full-stack development and data engineering. I can provide MEAN or MERN stack solutions and Python backends. I am proficient in using Python with Scrapy and Selenium, as well as Node.js with Puppeteer, to create tailored scrapers, and I am familiar with technologies like Kubernetes, Docker, and Airflow. My services cater to e-commerce platforms like Shopify and WooCommerce, focusing on inventory pricing, competitor price analysis, and product information. Case Study: Building custom AI bot - I used Chainlit for the bot's UI, which is open source. - Connected with Crew AI and custom agents using Groq. - Using Qdrant as a vector database for the RAG system - Bot can consume PDF files and images. - Search engines are connected to the bot. Case Study: Top-notch funnel setup for multiple clients - We connected Clay (Lusha as an alternative) with - We automated gmail workspace creation with domain register - Setup cold email campaigns for over 10K prospects - Setup RB2B for prospect catch from landing pages Case Study: How to pull Google Flights data in a week for all airports for a specific period - The scraper is written with Playwright and Python libraries. All containerized. - Using Docker Swarm for DevOps orchestration. Rented six dedicated 64gig machines. - Scraper containers can be summoned in over 300 instances all at once. - Can get 300+ route data per minute. - Estimated time: one week. I provide high-quality services at competitive prices and am available for consultancy and independent projects. Please feel free to ask for a quote or discuss your project needs. Best, Mehmet

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  • Scrapy
  • Python
  • PostgreSQL
  • RESTful API
  • Flutter
  • Apache Airflow

Get started working with Mehmet quickly with these predefined projects.

Get started working with Mehmet quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get a sentimental analysis of twitter data (for given hashtags)

From $250
3 days delivery

You will get a superb mobile application for both IOS and Android!

From $1,500
30 days delivery

You will get a great competitive analysis report

From $250
7 days delivery

You will get a fully functioning nicely done website!

From $1,000
14 days delivery