Emi B.
RugbyUnited Kingdom
100% Job Success

English - Japanese Translator | Japanese SEO Expert

I'm a native Japanese translator & content writer. I have experience in technical translation and content creation for marketing and SEO. My specialties are Financial, Legal, Marketing translation, and Financial, Travel writing. -- TRANSLATION -- I will translate your words from English to Japanese with a robust approach, starting with gaining a sound understanding of your needs, thereby ensuring that I not only communicate literal translations, but more importantly, incorporate the context of a given discussion while considering cultural differences. My 3 years of translation and proofreading experience includes: * Websites and landing pages of cryptocurrencies, investments, healthcare, software, and social networks including HTML texts, * Blogs about science and technology, * White papers of cryptocurrencies and ICOs, * Legal documents such as Articles of incorporation, Privacy Policy, and Terms and Conditions, * Subtitles of YouTube videos, * Novels (science fiction and fantasy), * Song lyrics and poems, * Contents of books, * CV and cover letter, * HR training materials including video descriptions and reference materials, * Language education app and pregnancy app, * A language educational brochure, * Email marketing campaigns (copy), * Introduction materials of companies, * Marketing copies for movies, school, travel company, game company, social networks, and engineering company, * Operation manuals of drive recorder, * Descriptions of sound library and a port, * Lines for game contents, etc. Working on these wide range of projects, combined with my strong command over the English and Japanese languages has helped me work efficiently, to the client's pre-determined and agreed upon expectations, on time and within budget. --SEO-- I'm an SEO expert with experience in on-page and off-page SEO. My experience in SEO includes: * keyword research, * keyword mapping, * content optimisation, * optimising internal linking, * link building outreach, * site audit, * competition research, * rank tracking and making suggestions, * making suggestions of new contents based on findings from data on SEO tools, * content writing. I have used Ahrefs, Rank tracker, Keywordtool, Ubersuggest, Moz, Google keyword planner and several other tools. -- BACKGROUND -- I was born in Japan and graduated from Seinan Gakuin University. I worked at a bank, providing 1:1 financial advise to high net worth individuals. As a Financial Adviser, I consistently gave my clients the best possible relevant advice specifically focusing on their individual goals. This proven approach helped me exceed branch sales targets consistently. Being tied down to a single location however, meant that I was unable to travel. Providing translation services online allowed me to do something I enjoy (and am good at) while travelling the world.


  • SEO Writing
  • Off-Page SEO
  • SEO Audit
  • SEO Keyword Research
  • Content SEO
  • On-Page SEO
  • Editing & Proofreading
  • Technical Translation