Ankita T.
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Mobile app development|React Native|Flutter|Swift|Kotlin|Java

Hey, I am Ankita a passionate software developer from India, with programming experience of more than 9 years. My forte lies in building Mobile/Pad apps for iOS and Android devices using NATIVE and HYBRID approaches. I will find a way to solve any task for you. If you can imagine something then I can create! My skill set includes: (Not limited to) - Programming languages: Swift UI, Objective-C, Swift, SWIFTUI, Kotlin, Java, Javascript, React Native, Typescript, Flutter, Dart, Flutterflow. - Objective-C Runtime VSC: GIT (proficiently and use command line); - Memory Management: MRC, ARC; - Apple Frameworks: Foundation, UIKit, AV audioengine - Database: SQL, Core Data; - Multithreading: GCD, NSThreads, NSOperationQueue; - Networking: JSON, XML, HTTP, RestAPI, NSURLSession; - Design Patterns using: MVC, MVP, Singleton, Observer, Notification, Delegate, Facade, Factory, Adapter, Bridge, Prototype, Decorator; - Tools: Android Studio, Xcode, CocoaPods, SourceTree, Meld, Postman, Zeplin; - Azure, AWS lambda, ChatGPT, S3, RDS, Dynamo, API gateway, cloud watch, SNS, SQS, SES, Cognito, Lex, Alexa, Cloud Front, Cloudformation, EC2, Rekognition, Kinesis, Machine Learning, IoT, AppSync, Step Functions, Amplify, Elasticsearch, ElastiCache . I have recently completed one of my ongoing project and Right now, I am looking for new opportunities and only a message away. Regards, Ankita

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  • Swift
  • React Native
  • Flutter
  • RESTful Architecture
  • API Integration
  • React Bootstrap
  • SaaS