Hannah O.
NorthamptonUnited Kingdom
100% Job Success
Top Rated

Results- Focused Website Copywriter | SEO Specialist | Blog Writer

It's not about the words but whether they compel people to take action. I'm Hannah O'Neill, a seasoned SEO copywriter and content strategist with a proven history of delivering content that compels audiences to take action, and makes search engines happy. Website copywriting requires a solid strategy to secure that elusive balance between SEO and creativity, but in my 8+ years of experience, I've delivered consistent results repeatedly. With the right formula, your website can act as a sales platform, engage an audience, turn your business into an authority brand and stake a place on the search engine results pages. ✔ SEO Specialist ✔ Experienced Copywriter ✔ UK Native ✔ Certified Marketing Strategist ✔ Collaborations With International Brands The Topics I Write About Include: ✔ Business & HR ✔ Finance - Loans, Money Saving, Credit Cards, Senior Finances ✔ Digital Marketing ✔ AI ✔ Health & Wellbeing ✔ Pets ✔ Technology ✔ Lifestyle Why work with me? You wouldn't trust just anyone with your business, would you? There are a lot of writers out there, but website copywriting requires skills and experience that the average writer doesn't have. When you work with me, you get: 1. Proven Results: With a track record of achieving real results for my clients, I can help you win with SEO and create great content. 2. Customised Strategies: There is no one-size-fits-all solution for SEO copywriting and content strategies. I tailor everything I do to your bespoke needs, ensuring better results and moving you smoothly towards your desired goals. 3. SEO Expertise: I stay up-to-date with the latest SEO trends and algorithms, ensuring that your content is compelling and optimised for search engines. 4. Content Quality: There's something special about delivering informative, well-researched content that provides a unique perspective, and I take great pride in my work. With me on your side, quality is a given. 5. Variety: My expertise spans various content types, from blog posts and articles to product descriptions, landing pages, and more. I've also written for a range of industries, including HR, business, lifestyle, pets, travel and many more. 6. Data-Driven Approach: I believe in the power of data and analyse performance metrics to fine-tune strategies and continuously improve your content's impact. Services I Offer: → SEO Copywriting: Carefully creating keyword-rich content that delights readers and makes the search engines sit up and take notice. → SEO Content Creation: Get the content you deserve with my SEO content writing services. I specialise in long-form content and always deliver originality. → Content Strategy: A comprehensive content strategy that aligns with your business objectives and target audience. Let's Work Together My goal in life is to help as many brands as possible succeed through the power of SEO and 100% original content. It's not a quick race, but once you build an organic presence, it's easy to maintain. Whether you need help to launch a new website, create a landing page, develop an SEO content strategy or would like some regular blog posts, I'd love to work with you. Let's connect and discuss how we can collaborate to achieve your business objectives. Feel free to send me a message, and let's get started on your journey to online success! Thank you for considering me as your trusted SEO copywriter and content marketing strategist. I look forward to working with you!

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  • SEO Strategy
  • AI Content Writing
  • Case Studies
  • White Paper
  • Editing & Proofreading
  • Personal Finance

Get started working with Hannah quickly with these predefined projects.

Get started working with Hannah quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get SEO website copywriting that your audience - and the search engines love

From $20
1 day delivery

You will get five engaging blog posts for your website - from an expert copywriter

From $80
2 days delivery

You will get a long-form blog post with SEO

From $65
2 days delivery

You will get 5 pages of SEO website copywriting designed to increase conversions

From $150
3 days delivery


Endorsements from past clients

"I hired Hannah O'Neill to write content for my new website as well as some client work. Her turnaround time was fantastic and the content was very well-written and researched. I would highly recommend Hannah. "

Tom B. | Director
Content Marketing Mar 2020
