Megha B.
100% Job Success
Top Rated Plus

Expert Full Stack Development Services

Technologies: Laravel/ CakePHP/ CodeIgniter/ Symfony OpenCart/ WordPress/ Shopify Python / Django / Flask Redis / Redux SPA with VueJS Docker Laravel Dusk/ DupeCheck AWS/ Amplify/ Firebase VueJS/ ExpressJS/ AngularJS/ ReactJS/ Node.JS React Native/ Ionic JIRA/ Confluence Specialization: Project Understanding Wireframing Agile Methodologies Kanban Methodologies Quality Assurance Daily SCRUM Architectural Designing Database: My SQL PostgreSQL MongoDB A technology freak and always looking for new things in the industry. Digital Marketing is my hobby, and I love to read more and more on this too.

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  • React Native
  • Laravel
  • Rapid Application Development
  • Reverse Engineering

Get started working with Megha quickly with these predefined projects.

Get started working with Megha quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get DevOps server, AWS | Digital Ocean | Google Cloud

From $450
28 days delivery

You will get WordPress maintenance | WordPress development | WordPress management

From $225
30 days delivery

You will get microservices in java spring boot

From $1,195
10 days delivery

You will get WordPress install and theme setup

From $475
5 days delivery