Rajkumar V.
100% Job Success

Adobe Indesign Expert / PDF Editing / Ad designer / Photo editing

Greetings! I'm ⭐100% Job Success Rated Freelancer⭐ in Upwork. I'm Highly Experienced using: 1️⃣ Adobe lnDesign 2️⃣ Adobe Photoshop 3️⃣ Adobe Illustrator 👉 I'm using Adobe InDesign for all kind of Print and Web graphic design works. 👉 My goal is to provide Best Creative Design solutions at a reasonable cost. 👉 I'm a talented and experienced graphic designer. I believe every single design should convey your message to the audience in such a way that it leaves an impact. I develop unique ideas that suit your needs and encourage your customers to keep coming back. Services offered: 1️⃣Book Layouts 2️⃣Newspaper Ads 3️⃣Logo 4️⃣Corporate Identity 5️⃣Brochures / Flyers / Postcards 6️⃣Magazine ads 7️⃣Newspaper ads 8️⃣Web ads 9️⃣Photo retouching 🔟Packaging Designs and many more

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  • Brochure
  • WorkBook
  • Business Card
  • Catalog

Get started working with Rajkumar quickly with these predefined projects.

Get started working with Rajkumar quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get a creative Postcard designs using Adobe Indesign

From $5
1 day delivery

You will get Eye catching Catalogue designs using Adobe InDesign

From $5
1 day delivery

You will get a Photo background Removal using Pen Tool in photoshop

From $5
1 day delivery

You will get a Convert PowerPoint presentation to Adobe InDesign

From $5
1 day delivery