Md Mahamudur R.
99% Job Success
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Expert in SEO | Technical SEO | Local SEO | Ecommerce SEO Audit

Having 14+ years of experience, I'm a skilled SEO expert. I focus on making websites perform well on popular search engines like Google Generative AI and Bing Search. As a trusted SEO consultant at and a thriving SEO Freelancer, I am committed to tirelessly enhancing the rankings and traffic of websites, regardless of their size. Here are some of my core skills: On-page SEO (Keyword optimization, Content structuring, Meta tags, Image optimization, Internal linking) Technical SEO (Site speed, Mobile-friendliness, Schema markup, XML sitemaps, Canonical tags, Crawlability) Off-Page SEO (Backlink building, Social media engagement, Influencer outreach, Brand mentions, Forum participation) Content Marketing (Content creation, Promotion, Guest blogging, Infographics, Video content) SEO Audits (Comprehensive assessments, Recommendations, Competitor analysis, Keyword research, Site architecture) Shopify SEO (Optimization for Shopify platform, Product listing optimization, Collection structuring, Shopify app integration) WordPress SEO (Optimization for WordPress websites, Plugin configuration, SEO-friendly themes, Permalink structure, XML sitemap generation) Ecommerce SEO (Product optimization, Category structuring, User experience, Conversion rate optimization, Customer reviews, Shopping feed optimization) In addition, I specialize in Local SEO with expertise in: Google My Business Optimization: Location Verification, Business Description Optimization, Category Selection, Photos and Videos Management Keyword Research: Location-specific Keywords, Long-tail Local Keywords, Competitor Analysis for Local Keywords Local Citations: NAP Consistency (Name, Address, Phone Number), Local Business Directories, Industry-specific Citations Customer Reviews Management: Encouraging Positive Reviews, Handling Negative Reviews, Responding to Customer Feedback On-Page Optimization: Location-specific Content, Local Schema Markup, Geo-targeted Meta Tags Link Building: Local Chamber of Commerce, Community Organizations, Local Sponsorships, and Partnerships SEO Analytics: Local Traffic Analysis, Conversion Tracking for Local Searches, Geographical Insights I am proficient in various tools like SEMRush, Ahrefs, Screaming Frog, and Google Analytics. My expertise spans various areas, including Content Marketing, Backlink Building, Social Media Marketing, Keyword Optimization, User Experience (UX), Mobile Optimization, and Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO). I am also well-versed in providing SEO help, achieving high rankings, and catering to large companies and Ecommerce websites' unique needs. With a comprehensive skill set and a proven track record, I am ready to help your website succeed and excel in today's competitive digital geography.

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Get started working with Md Mahamudur quickly with these predefined projects.

Get started working with Md Mahamudur quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get expert Google organic traffic drop recovery service for your website

From $60
10 days delivery

You will get SEO Expert's Technical SEO Audit Report covering Search Engine Optimization

From $45
5 days delivery

You will get local citations and business directory listings for your website

From $15
3 days delivery

You will get Website Crawling and Indexing Optimization Services

From $33
6 days delivery