Paras K.
85% Job Success

Sales Funnel Specialist - ClickBank, ClickFunnels, Wordpress, PHP Dev

Hello Vendors, I would like to help you out with my most experienced and primary skills - 1. SALES PAGE DESIGN (Funnel Setup) I design and setup Sales Page Funnel using HTML/PHP, ClickFunnels, Ontraport, Kajabi, Groove and any other platform alive. 2. WEB DEVELOPMENT - (Custom Web Development using PHP, Wordpress, Laravel) 3. Clickbank Setup (Product Setup, Custom Order Form Design, PitchPlus Flow, INS Integrations, Abandoned Cart, Membership) 4. ClickFunnels (Custom Funnel Design & Setup, Membership Automation, Payment Gateways) 5. Stripe - Payment API (Any kind of Stripe integration based on PHP) 6. Server & Domain Management (All types of Server, Domains & Website management) 7. SEO - (Search Engine Optimization, Digital Marketing, Ad Campaigns) 8. Website Speed Optimization - (WordPress Speed Optimization, Google Page Insights Score Optimization, Search Console) 9. Shopify Specialist (Shopify Store Setup, Shopify Theme Design, Shopify Template Customization) I am a Master's in Design from the UK with proven experience offering Quality Web Design & Web Application Development, Custom Web App, Stripe API Integration, Custom Funnel Development based on ClickBank & Clickfunnels. Looking forward to challenging work. Please take a look at my past jobs on my profile and I hope it gains your confidence to hire me. I believe great work output comes when the requirements and discussions are clear between clients and freelancers. So, feel free to ask any questions or just say Hi to me :) Looking forward to some gigs. Thanks :)

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  • Laravel
  • Zapier
  • Affiliate Marketing Website