Nirmala D.
71% Job Success

Elementor Website Builder | Astra Theme | Full Stack Developer - SEO

Elementor Website Builder Designer, Elementor Pro Expert ❤️ WordPress Elementor Builder Expert, and SEO Expert Website Developer and Designer, Full Stack Developer - WordPress website design. WordPress Elementor website design - Elementor page builder - WordPress Elementor website developer WordPress Expert Designer and Developer ❤️ ❤️ SERVICES ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ Types of websites I can build :- ✔️ Elementor Personal / Business ✔️ Elementor E-commerce (Woocommerce) ✔️ Elementor Blogs & Portfolios ✔️ Elementor Landing pages ✔️ Elementor Life Coaching / Business Coaching ✔️ Elementor Membership sites ✔️ Elementor Website themes and Templates ⚫ Website services: ✔️ Elementor SEO (Search Engine Optimization) ✔️ Elementor Website setup (inc Analytics and Webmaster tools) ✔️ Elementor Website migration (WordPress) ✔️ Elementor Theme & Plugin installation ✔️ Elementor Website speed optimization ✔️ Elementor Prototyping & Wireframing ⚫ Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ✔️ Elementor Keyword Analysis ✔️ Elementor SEO Audits ✔️ Elementor On-page optimization ✔️ Elementor Off-page optimization ✔️ Elementor GP outreach ⚫ Page speed improvements: ✔️ Elementor Minification of HTML, CSS, Javascript ✔️ Elementor Image optimization ✔️ Elementor Eliminate render-blocking javascript ✔️ Elementor Leverage browser caching ✔️ Elementor Reduce server response time ✔️ Elementor Enable compression ⚫ Content writing: ✔️ Elementor Blog articles ✔️ Elementor Guest posting ✔️ Elementor Product & Product category descriptions ✔️ Elementor Bios ✔️ Elementor Mission statements ✔️ Elementor Reviews ◼️◼️ SKILLS & TOOLS ◼️◼️ ⚫ Coding knowledge: ✔️ HTML ✔️ CSS ⚫ WordPress page builders: ✔️ Elementor Pro (SPECIALITY) ⚫ Prototype & Wireframe tools: ✔️ Adobe XD ⚫ Graphic design tools: ✔️ Adobe Illustrator ✔️ Adobe Photoshop ⚫ Themes & Frameworks: ✔️ Hello Theme ✔️ GeneratePress ✔️ Astra and DIVI Why should you hire me? 1. I am Top Rated Web Developer/Web Designer and most importantly I am candor. 2. 100% money-back guarantee if you are not happy with my work. Why is Elementor better than other page builders like Divi, Avada, Themco’s X, and Pro, and others? One reason is that each of those themes relies on using their own proprietary shortcodes to construct your pages. This means you are married to them. To change themes you’ll need to completely rebuild your site. By contrast, if you turn off or remove Elementor, your pages will certainly look different but all the raw HTML will be there in a useable format. If you are an agency looking to outsource some work, especially if it's in WordPress, I may be your guy. Extensive Elementor, Elementor Pro, and WordPress experience. Install & Setup Hello by Elementor theme Install the Elementor & Elementor Pro plugin Theme customization Fix any issue or errors Woocommerce Integration • WordPress Elementor theme Expert (custom designs) + Elementor Pro • Elementor pro Landing pages + Learndash + WooCommerce + Yoast SEO I am a passionate designer with 10+ years of experience. I am specialized in website design and web development. I am a master to developing WordPress responsive websites with Elementor and Divi. What do you get with this Package? 1. Home page design - Inner page design 3. Clone any design using Elementor / Divi. 4. Responsive for Mobile / iPad 5. Contact Us page with form + google map 6. All cross-browser support. 7. SEO Friendly 8. Google verification code 9. Site map - Security plugin 10. Video training. How to edit website content yourself 👍 Elementor - Elementor Pro Designer - Elementor Developer - Elementor website - Elementor - Elementor Pro Designer - Elementor Developer -Elementor website - Elementor - Elementor Pro Designer - Elementor Developer - Elementor website - Elementor - Elementor Pro Designer - Elementor Developer -Elementor website - Elementor. Thanks and Regards, Nirmala Devi ❤️ WordPress Elementor website builder Superstar ❤️ Elementor Pro developer

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Get started working with Nirmala quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get Landing page on ClickFunnel, Hubspot, Divi and Elementor | Wordpress Design

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You will get WordPress website design - WordPress Developer -WordPress - WordPress Theme

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You will get Elementor Pro Landing Pages Design - WordPress Elementor - Elementor Pro

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You will get eCommerce web store -WordPress WooCommerce store - eCommerce website design

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