Anthony M.
LondonUnited Kingdom
97% Job Success
Top Rated Plus

Google Ads/AdWords Expert | PPC Manager | SEM Specialist | Meta Expert

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️EXPERT VETTED - TOP RATED PLUS FREELANCER - UPWORK TOP 0.1% - I am ranked number 1 in the UK and I am in the top 5 Globally. Google Ads, SEM Expert, PPC Specialist, Paid Social, Facebook ads - Over $3M Ad Spend/month. ※I work exclusively with successful businesses that are looking to take things to the next level or ambitious startups who give themselves the means to do so.※ ※I am a Google Partner with over 12 years of experience in search engine marketing.※ Google Adwords, PPC Management, Microsoft Advertising (Bing / Yahoo), Facebook Ads Management. My services include: - Google Tag Manager (web & server) audit & implementation - Google Ads, Facebook ads (Meta) and Microsoft (Bing ads) campaign management and optimization - Google Analytics 4, and GTM audit and implementation (configuration) - GA Enhanced E-commerce (Shopify, WooCommerce, Magento, BigCommerce..) - Facebook, Google Ads, Bing, and other conversion and remarketing pixel implementation - Google Data/Lookers Studio custom dashboards - Google ads enhanced conversion tracking - Weekly reporting - Extremely responsive ※As a Google Premier Partner I will fast track your requests for ad approvals, technical troubleshooting and whitelist you for Google ads new betas and exclusive features. ※I work with large B2B and B2C companies worldwide as well as smaller and medium businesses. Having worked on over 300 Google ads account I have experience in many verticals: SaaS, finance, cryptocurrency, retail, real estate, law, IT, medical, pharmaceutical, travel and many more. ※A few important points¨: ★Please do not ask me what my rate is, as it is displayed on my profile ★Do not invite me for an interview if your ad budget is lower than $5,000/month unless you’re willing to scale rapidly, and I can help with that. ★I am open to discuss monthly retainer or % of spend providing your offer is reasonable ★My current clients keep me extremely busy, so I never take on a new client without careful screening. ★Due to the number of inquiries I get, it's impossible for me to respond to everyone. ★Please do not use the default "I'd like you to apply to my job" to invite me for an interview, instead take the time to write a personalized message that explains why you think we should work together. Enough said. 🎯Let's get on a call and discuss how I can help you. Here's what to expect. ✅ Free and comprehensive audit of your Google ads/Meta/Microsoft ads account (GA4 as a bonus) ✅ Tailored marketing strategy for your business that connects you to your target audience ✅ You'll have more understanding of what to expect regarding results and conversion to match your dream ROI ✅ Access to Google Partner's benefits ✅ I am not an agency and I will be the one working on your account Now, I really don't know yet if we're a good fit, I work only with long-term partners that I know for sure I can bring value to with my resources. 🎯Just click that "Invite to job" button and send me a message with your contact details. Don’t hesitate to inbox me with any questions. Looking forward to assist you with your project! Let's talk today!

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  • Search Engine Marketing
  • Facebook Advertising
  • Google Analytics 4
  • Looker Studio
  • Analytics
  • Conversion Rate Optimization

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Get started working with Anthony quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get Comprehensive Google Ads Audit + Tailored Recommendations and Plan

From $200
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