Sadique A.
100% Job Success
Top Rated Plus

Full Stack Developer, Cloud Telephony Expert

I have been working with PHP, Node js, MySQL, Mongo db and cloud telephony technologies like Asterisk, PBX, Freeswitch, Kamailio, Twilio and Plivo for the past few years and have great experience with them. I also have experience in Web and mobile Development, expert in Angular js and React js. I am ready to be hired and start working on your projects today.

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  • WebRTC
  • VoIP Software
  • VoIP Administration
  • API
  • VoIP

Get started working with Sadique quickly with these predefined projects.

Get started working with Sadique quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get a cloud PBX with IVR, Call Queue and extensions for your business

From $250
1 day delivery