Sergey B.
100% Job Success
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Excel-VBA expert

MS Excel is a fantastic tool used not only to create and maintain tables with formulas, graphs and charts but also for a lot of custom functionality by implementing Excel VBA macros. You can do so many things in Excel, sometime I think the sky's the limit. Basic functionality: --------------------- - Graphs and charts - Tables with formulas - GUI elements: push buttons, dropdowns, forms Advanced functionality: -------------------------- - Custom VBA Scripting - Creating custom templates - Advanced graphing functionality - Statistical analysis and calculations - Web information scraping (automated and manual) to create variety of databases (i.e. names with addresses for mailing campaigns etc.) - and many others, just drop me a note so I can advise you on what approach to take for your specific task

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  • Python
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Microsoft VBScript
  • Macro Programming