Lewis S.
MorecambeUnited Kingdom
100% Job Success
Top Rated

Cognoscente Writer & Marketing Virtuoso (with Psychology Degree)

I offer a highly professional, customer-oriented service with clear communication and speedy delivery. I’ve worked within these industries (writing & marketing) for over 7 years now. In this time, I’ve continuously honed my skills to provide my clients deliverables of the highest quality. This level of dedication to my craft is visible in the form of my “Top Rated" seller badge, my 100% JSS (Job Success Score), and my outstanding customer reviews. I provide the following services: • Branding: taglines/slogans; vision/mission statements; logo design (ideas provided in text only); company/product naming; brand synergy; brand identity creation. • Copywriting: product descriptions; website content; other general copyrighting. • Content writing: articles; blogs; other general content writing. • Creative writing: poetry; book writing (both adult’s and children’s); song writing (lyrics only); joke writing; other associated creative writing. • Scriptwriting; Youtube; screenplay; playscripts; other associated scriptwriting. • Speechwriting; events (such as weddings/funerals); business; political; other. • Proofreading/editing: books; articles; poems; songs (lyrics only); business materials; other. *Services provided in either British or American English (client's choice). *Custom orders accepted. *SEO not available. *I am wholeheartedly against the use of AI by writers. As such, I do not use such services myself. Moreover, I will never outsource any project entrusted to me. When you hire me, you are getting 100% original work, written by me and nobody else! *Returning customers are always appreciated and may receive additional discounts, at my discretion.

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  • Scriptwriting
  • Children's Literature
  • Children's Writing
  • Branding
  • Book Writing
  • Media Pitch
  • Twitter/X Marketing
  • Editing & Proofreading

Get started working with Lewis quickly with these predefined projects.

Get started working with Lewis quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get tantalising taglines or snazzy slogans, that will both inspire and astound!

From $29
2 days delivery

You will get a ghostwritten children's book

From $125
2 days delivery