Preeti S.
100% Job Success
Top Rated Plus

Rockstar Ecommerce CSR/Email/Live Chat/ Virtual assistance

I have worked in the customer service industry for more than 10 years, where I have faced customer enquirers through emails, chat and on phone. I enjoy doing it. I have used multiple customer service platforms like, Zendesk, Intercom and I can do everything to delight your customer. I specialize in chat and email customer service for small to large businesses. I am seeking opportunities in customer service field, email support management in specific, and looking forward to improve my skills to be a customer service team manager one day. I am a full time freelancer and can work in US business hour anytime of the week including weekends.

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  • Order Tracking
  • Zendesk
  • Order Processing
  • Email Support
  • Communication Etiquette
  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Shopify
  • Product Knowledge
  • Communications
  • Email Communication
  • Answered Ticket