Jessica G.
San AntonioTX
100% Job Success

Curriculum Consultant, Author, Writer, Editor,

*TOP RATED on Upwork* There's an old saying: "Find a job that you love to do, and you will never work a day in your life." No truer words have ever been spoken. I have multiple degrees and have worked in education, social work, small business management and more. However, I have never been so happy and fulfilled as I have since I decided to pursue my passion for writing. I enjoy writing everything from marketing materials to children's stories and have proven myself capable of writing pretty much anything given clear expectations. A former teacher and a lover of all things to do with children, I am a hard-working mom of 2 with a passion for self-improvement and a love of education. I never tire of taking on new projects as each new client represents a fresh set of eyes on my work, more feedback and an opportunity to learn and grow as a writer. I am also always excited to work on curriculum materials, lesson plans and online learning sites. If I sound like someone that you would like to work with then please do not hesitate to get in touch. I look forward to helping you with your writing needs.

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  • Training & Development
  • Synchronous Learning
  • Online Instruction
  • Course
  • Academic K-12
  • Workshop
  • Curriculum Mapping
  • Program Curriculum
  • Higher Education