Ashok K.
99% Job Success

Wordpress I Shopify I Woocommerce I BigCommerce I Laravel I React.js

Since the very begining of my career my focus has remaind on enhancing the Perfromance and Secuirty of Web Applications whether it is a new one or an old one. My 8 years of expereince as a web developer has allowed me to explore the vast world of Frontend and Backend which helped me in ccreating Interactive Frontends, quick response API's, Fort Knox Style Backend and a Multi-tiered Database. For Frontend Development I mostly rely on HTML, CSS, BootStrap4 and JavaScript frameworks such as React.js, Angular.js, or Vue.js. In Backend Development I have successfully delivered Server Side Applications using Stack like Node.JS, Next.JS, Pyhton, Laravel, CodeIgniter, Yii and Django. You cannot not know about working with Databases when you have experience like mine. So for that I have worked with MySQL, MongoDB & DynamoDB. In Database Management my expereince exceeds in Fetching the Information from MicroServices and showing it to the user using various components like Data Visualization. I have Created, Deployed and Maintained several API’s. I am good with creating end points for an API and integrating it with the frontend & backend. REST API, FAST API, JSON, HTTP, API Wrapper are the Stack I uses for API's. I have experience working in AGILE & Waterfall Methodology which means I know how to cooperate with other teams to provide a user experience that meets all sets of User Stories. I hope I have shared enough about my experience well to make you understand that the person you are looking for is me.

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  • TypeScript
  • Python
  • Laravel
  • NodeJS Framework
  • Next.js
  • WordPress
  • RESTful API