Svitlana I.
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Web Designer / Frontend Developer / React / TypeScript / Next.js

Web designer and developer since 2015. Save time on coordinating between your designer 👩‍🎨 and frontend developer🧑‍💻 because I can handle both roles. I will ensure all details look perfect, your interface is optimized to a chosen framework and follows the best industry practices. I provide: 🔍 ✅ Web design: Websites, Landing pages, Applications, Email design, Banners, Social graphics, Custom web animations. ✅ Frontend: Responsive HTML, CSS, Javascript, React, Webflow. Design tools: Adobe XD, Figma, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Sketch. Dev tools: Tailwind, Framer motion, MUI, Radix, Bootstrap, Chakra UI, Chart.js, and more. Background: - Master 🎓 of Computer Applications (MCA) 2010-2015 - Verified Meta Front-End Developer Certificate - Currently based in Poland 🇵🇱

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  • Landing Page
  • Email Design
  • Webflow
  • Adobe XD
  • Figma