Joanna H.

Published writer, thorough editor

I’m a self-taught freelance writer and editor, used to thinking critically, researching thoroughly and communicating effectively. This is not my day job. I take on a small number of projects which interest me in their own right, and I focus on them until they’re completed. I am a native speaker of US English. My speculative fiction has appeared in magazines including Crossed Genres, Factor Four Fiction and Daily Science Fiction. My articles on alternative education, farming, spirituality, politics and mental health have been published in periodicals including The Christian Shakespeare, The Mindful Word, Growing Without Schooling, and The Grass-Roots Journal. I’ve written on these topics and more as well as editing a wide variety of fiction and nonfiction manuscripts for freelance clients. I can write for widely varied audiences but don’t do sales or SEO writing. I have practical experience as a self-taught student, as a small-scale organic farmer, and as a full-time volunteer at a nonprofit doing outreach work in an impoverished community. I’m Christian and very familiar with the Bible, and I have interest in and respect for other faith traditions; I’ve done several editing projects for a Muslim author who wanted an outside editor to point out passages and concepts which might be confusing to a non-Muslim audience. There are some books on which I am not willing to work. In fiction, I do not work on stories which: contain X-rated erotica or graphically gruesome depictions of sexual violence portray rape as acceptable depict all members of any race, ethnicity, religion, gender or orientation as evil,inferior or damned In nonfiction, I do not work on projects which: purport to offer objective information but are actually designed to steer readers to a product or service for sale support illegal drug use teach seduction techniques proclaim that those who disagree with the author's religion are evil or damned blame poverty, sickness, bereavement and suffering on the bad karma/sins/bad attitude of the sufferer

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