Sonny A.
BristolUnited Kingdom
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Digital Web Designer | UI/UX Designer for apps and websites

​I have over nine years of experience specialising in UI/UX design which involves mostly working on responsive websites and mobile apps for iOS and Android. I enjoy working with passionate people on exciting digital projects and have had the opportunity to work with both large and small brands including the Museum of London, the University of Reading and the Croydon Council. I graduated from university/college with a BA in Typography & Graphic Communication. Since then I have worked at a variety of design agencies such as Torchbox. I have now been freelancing as a UI/UX designer for several years with a strong focus on high-quality work and giving a personable experience. My work process I go through is in place to ensure you get fantastic results. This includes high-fidelity wireframes, creating personas and prototyping, and the design itself. I use a variety of programs for my work, including the Sketch, Invision, and the Adobe Creative Suite (Illustrator, Photoshop, Indesign etc) APPROACH: I adapt my design process to every project and the needs of the client, but typically it looks like this: 1. Understanding requirements I will discuss with you the primary goals, objectives, and unique challenges of your project and further context such as your primary audiences and stakeholders, current pain points. 2. Carry out research I will carry out research into your industry if needed, including a competitor analysis to see where your weaknesses and strengths position you compared to others in the market, and see how you can perform better. 3. UI Flow & Wireframes To ensure all the information architecture is in place, I begin with user flows to ensure there aren't any missing screens or pages. I also start the wireframes before the visual design to ensure all the content is in place and to validate ideas and concepts. These are then reviewed by you before moving on to the next stage. 4. Visual design & prototyping In this stage, I transform the wireframes into a more polished and finalised version of the website or app. This also involves a prototype in Invision where you can see your website or app come to life and functioning. 5. Collect feedback and conduct user research Once the visual design is complete, I present the designs to you and talk through the design and how it works. You can then provide any feedback for me to work on. User research then begins with me carrying out in-person interviews and/or online surveys. 6. Create finished design The final design is then polished before being handed over to the client once we are all happy with the results. If working with my website developer, I will also give him all the assets and details he needs to develop the website. SERVICES: • UI/UX design • Web design • App design • Prototyping • User Testing (In person and online) • Logo design & branding • Illustration Other complementary skills to my digital design work include typography and print design. DESIGN PROGRAMS: • Sketch • Overflow • Adobe XD • Photoshop • Illustrator • InDesign

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  • Mobile App Design
  • Figma
  • Mobile UI Design
  • User Experience Design
  • UX & UI
  • Business with 100-999 Employees
  • Mobile App Redesign
  • Website Prototyping

Get started working with Sonny quickly with these predefined projects.

Get started working with Sonny quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get a UI/UX report to improve your website or app to drive impact & revenue

From $360
3 days delivery

You will get a fantastic and unique app design which works for you!

From $550
3 days delivery

You will get a professional and original logo/brand identity designed just for you

From $700
4 days delivery

You will get a professional Web Design/UI & UX for your website

From $425
3 days delivery