Radoan A.
87% Job Success

Real Estate Photo and Video Editor

Hello! I am Radoan and living in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Working as a Real Estate Photo Editor for the last 5 years. I spend an average of 1-3 hours on each project depend on one the size of a house. I try to pay special attention to every part of the image. I guarantee next morning delivery no matter how many projects I take in a day. For Matterport 3D, location set/hide scan or blur anything and MLS listing upload, i have experience and i am doing it often without charge (IT'S FREE) For Aerial, I am doing photo editing with short clip editing by Premier Pro for upload on Youtube. For manual blending a set of 3, 4, or 5 bracketed images to compose one single high dynamic photo you can hire me. I am doing the following checklist for real estate photo editing: 1. Window view color correction and sky replacement 2. Window view clipping mask 3. Photoshop light painting 4. White balance correction 5. Flash shadow removal 6. Lens correction 7. Brightness/contrast adjustment 8. Vertical & horizontal straightening 9. Customizable sky replacement for twilight and daylight 10. Customizable TV screen replacement 11. Fire Insert in fireplaces 12. Minor blemishes removal 13. Minor grass repair 14. Sharpening/noise reduction 15. Minor dust spot removal 16. Reflection Removal (Sun, Photographer, Camera and anything else) I bet, you will like my work if you can allow me to understand your style. I am not able to upload many samples because of privacy. I don't use any customer's photo without permission. Thanks RA

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  • Architectural Photography
  • JPG
  • Real Estate
  • Photo Color Correction
  • Real Estate Photography
  • HDR Photography
  • Color Correction & Filter

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Get started working with Radoan quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get magazine quality real estate photo editing service

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You will get a luxury apartment real estate photo editing support

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