Maxim C.
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iPhone, iPad, Android solutions

I am a highly-qualified professional with a five-years experience in developing mobile applications for Android, iPhone, iPad. I have successfully launched over 70 projects in various domains and technologies, ranging from simple apps to complicated projects. My main objective is a process-oriented approach that combines experience and creativity to find the most productive solutions and succeeding results. I am proficient enough in working in close collaborations with offshore clients as well. Flexibility and keeping ahead with technologies are my strengths, so I can guarantee the high quality of the work done. Experience with iOS technologies: - Xcode, Objective-C - databases: CoreData( MagicalRecords including), SQLite - internet and server side interactions(AFNetworking library): REST API, SOAP, JSON, Parse, Google API - maps: iOS MapKit Framework, Google Maps API, Yandex SDK - social networks: Twitter API, Facebook SDK, VK SDK - storage: local storage, cloud storage (icloud, dropbox) - multimedia (photo, video, audio) - tools: Redmine, Git, SVN, SoapUI, DBMS (database management systems), Crashlytics - notification/reminders: Local Notifications / APNS,EventKitUI - in-app purchases - iAd Experience with Android technologies: - Android studio, Java - Google Play Services and Patterns - Android libraries: Android Support Design Library, Android Support Library (v4, v7 appcompat, v7 cardview, v7 recyclerview), ActiveAndroid, RxJava, Retrofit, Picasso, UIL, ButterKnife, EventBus, Amazon - databases: Amazon DynamoDB, SQLite, Couchbase Lite Android - storage: local storage, cloud storage (Amazon S3, Couchbase Lite Android, dropbox) - multimedia (photo, video, audio) - tools: - Redmine, Git, SVN, SoapUI, DBMS (database management systems), Crashlytics - internet and server side interactions(AFNetworking library): REST API, SOAP, JSON, Parse, Local/Push-Notifications, Google API, GSON, GeoJson, Amazon SES - MVP - Google Android Maps Utils - in-app purchases

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  • iOS
  • Push Notifications
  • Location-Based Service
  • Map Integration
  • Swift
  • Objective-C
  • API Integration
  • RxSwift
  • RxJava

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