Kate L.
MacclesfieldUnited Kingdom
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Top Rated

Biology and Healthcare Content Writer (BSc hons: Biology)

I am an experienced content writer with a love of Biology and a talent for breaking down and explaining complex scientific concepts. Over the last 5 years, I have produced research-based articles across a variety of topics in Healthcare, Medicine, Cell Biology, Immunology, Genetics, Entomology, Human Anatomy, Nutrition, and more. Everything I write is 100% original and supported by peer-reviewed journal articles and other reputable sources. My goal is to help scientists and healthcare providers communicate the value of their findings, products, and services to consumers, so that more people may benefit from them. Background and Qualifications: - 6+ years experience as a freelance copywriter - BSc (Hons) Biology (Newcastle University, UK) - 2 years experience in hands-on medical research (Cancer Research; Southampton University, UK)

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  • Online Research
  • Health Science
  • Health & Fitness
  • Medical Writing
  • Topic Research
  • Travel Writing