Kevin B.
Newcastle upon TyneUnited Kingdom
99% Job Success
Top Rated Plus

SEO Expert: Driving Traffic, Leads, & Revenue Growth

For over a decade – seriously! I've been obsessed with SEO i am also Known as a "SEO Wizard." I'm passionate about helping small and medium-sized businesses thrive online. With deep SEO expertise and a keen understanding of the evolving digital landscape, I develop holistic (Complete) strategies that drive growth and deliver lasting results. My services that I offer are customized to your business so don't get too disheartened. Every business is unique and will require a different kind of strategy. We love working with clients long term and can help not only in creating but also implementing. Some of my past experience with clients I Helped a local driving school owner transform their online presence, attract more students, and streamline their marketing efforts. We revamped their website for a modern look, optimized content for search engines, and implemented targeted marketing strategies. This resulted in a significant increase in website traffic, increased student inquiries, and a more efficient lead generation process. Contact me to learn how I can achieve similar results for your business. I Helped a mid-sized healthcare technology company and their team achieve record-breaking growth. Collaborated effectively with their in-house team to optimize technical SEO, refine content strategy, and execute advanced SEO techniques within a complex healthcare niche. My expertise, passion for SEO, and collaborative approach led to the largest traffic growth in the company's history, increased qualified lead production, and ongoing optimization for further scaling. Services for ultra local Local SEO for small business or SMB Like the bigger packages we can do the keyword research etc but also implement a local SEO strategy or digital business development based on what your goals are. NAP listing Name address phone number Link building but more on the gaining side Services for more mature or medium sized businesses Digital Business Development (Strategy & Implementation) Create comprehensive roadmaps for online growth, aligning with business goals SEO Services & Implementation (Complete Strategy) Boost search engine visibility, attract qualified traffic, and increase leads Digital Marketing Audits Analyze current strategies, identify strengths, and uncover areas for optimization SEO Audits (Customizable to Your Goals) In-depth technical analysis, keyword research, and on-page optimization recommendations Complete 360 Degree Marketing Develop integrated strategies across digital channels for maximum impact Content Strategy & Development Create compelling content that engages your target audience and drives conversions I have experience working with Fortune 50 companies and enterprise-level clients, adhering to strict NDAs. I believe in open communication and collaboration. That's why I offer free check-in Skype/Google Meet calls and use Trello for project management with all my clients. Some of our main Tools we use Canva (Graphic design for social media and content assets) Semrush (Comprehensive SEO and competitor analysis) Trello (Project management and collaboration) Microsoft Teams (Communication and file sharing) Gemini (AI) Camtasia (Video creation and tutorials) Something you may not know about me... We love working with caring and service-oriented businesses (carer/caretaker archetypes welcome!)

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  • SEO Strategy
  • Digital Marketing Strategy
  • SEO Audit
  • Local SEO
  • SEO Competitor Analysis
  • Search Engine Marketing