Rohit B.
New DelhiIndia
100% Job Success
Top Rated Plus

Data Entry Expert, Reliable, Dedicated, Detail Oriented

I have been serving my clients remotely for over 10 years. During this decade long period I have been assisting several eCommerce startups grow into amazing and successful companies. I am fun to work with and highly motivated, team player that can manage multiple workloads. I am motivated by my hunger for learning. I always look for challenging projects and the ones that help me expand my knowledge. I love what I do because being a Virtual Assistant, it enables me to work with numerous clients from across the world on many interesting and thought provoking assignments. Although I am doing this for a decade I still feel there's always a lot to learn and accomplish by serving project specific needs of my clients. I am very good at following instructions and for me "Boss is always right" I am 100% coachable! I realized being a virtual assistant means a round the clock full time dedicated job and is a constant endeavor to stay ahead of curve. I have good time management skills and have been a reliable and dependable outsource to my clients. I understand the significance of following the guidelines and have a proven ability to work with minimal supervision. I am Post Graduate in Business Management. I have worked on multiple eCommerce platforms like Amazon SellerCentral, WooCommerce, BigCommerce, Shopify, ZenCart X-Cart Etc. I assist in Order processing, Post Sales Customer Service, Drop Ship and Vendor management Invoicing and returns etc. I also have managed many projects of property listing at marketplaces like RE/MAX, zillow. Vacation Rentals VRBO etc., Sports videos tagging, image tagging, product market research and even highly technical Currency Trading for my clients. My work environment is highly positive and dynamic and equipped with top class infrastructure including multi monitor setups, 100% power back up and dedicated multiple internet lease lines. Go with me and I promise you speedy, accurate, professional work with significant cost savings!!

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  • Accuracy Verification
  • WooCommerce
  • Forex Trading
  • Product Description
  • Shopify