Angela P.
EdinburghUnited Kingdom
100% Job Success
Top Rated

Fast, Accurate Copy Editor, Proofreader & Beta Reader for Authors

"Angela was incredible to work with! Her work was timely and accurate. She communicated clearly, kept me in the loop about her progress on the project, and was able to complete two different tasks (beta reading and copyediting) in advance of milestone deadlines." - An author's feedback on a 30K copy editing project. Every author dreads that 1-star review that goes “this started out as a great read but sadly there were too many typos for my liking…” As an author myself, I know how stressful it is to send your book baby out into the world especially if it hasn't been edited or proofread. It's the kind of thing that keeps you up at night! I would love to be your extra pair of eyes to detect typos, grammatical/syntax errors, confusing sentences or plot holes. Readers can be picky and too many errors can mean the difference between a glowing 5-star review and well... the one above. If you need your manuscript beta read, I provide an in-depth report focusing on characters, plot, pacing, flow and more to help you improve your novel. What you should know about me: ☑️ I’ve self-published 7 rom-com novels ☑️ I have 10+ years of freelance copywriting and editing experience ☑️ I offer a timely turnaround (eg. 1 week for a 70K word proofread) ☑️ I work in Word.docx using track changes and highlighted comments ☑️ I'm a wide reader of fiction and interested in editing any genre ☑️ I can work with UK and US English ☑️ I can run my eye over your book blurb and make suggestions If you’re looking for professional editing, proofreading or beta reading services, then please drop me a line!

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  • Editing & Proofreading
  • Book
  • Proofreading Feedback
  • Book Editing
  • Book Blurb
  • Fiction
  • Contemporary Romance
  • Grammar & Syntax Review
  • Romance Novel
  • Error Detection
  • Beta Reading
  • Beta Reader Report

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Get started working with Angela quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get a fast, accurate copy edit of your novella

From $50
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