Thadeus G.
100% Job Success
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Finance & Casino Writer-|Forex|CFDs|Crypto|DeFi|Persoanal Finance

*** "Thadeus is really good at writing content, communicating, delivering, and keeping a great spirit in the team. I will work with Thadeus again, for sure!" *** "Thadeus is a professional writer, very nice and approachable person, he researches the topic very well and provides quality content. He doesn't compromise quality over the number of words. I would definitely work with him again" ***"It was a pleasure to work with Thadeus, right on time, with great deliveries, and an understanding of what we were looking for. Will hire again, for sure!" ***"One of the best content writers we ever worked with. We didn’t have to edit even one word in a 1500 word article, it was FLAWLESS!" Stela content is more than keyword stuffing. It’s about connecting with your audience and inspiring them enough to act. I create powerful, persuasive igaming and financial content that is compelling and encourages positive audience reaction. My writings are clean, informative, refreshingly creative and guaranteed to bring results. If you are looking for a long-term financial or igaming writer. Slide into my inbox and order now. I have worked within this sector for many years with big companies like Catena Media, Learnbonds, MJ Group Limited among others. What I Write:- BLOG POSTS Google loves high-quality and informative blog posts. It translates these into authority sites and rewards businesses with organic search results. For a business, it’s an economical marketing platform that gets you to engage potential clients and discuss their points in a language they understand. The blog posts I create are accurate and are specifically designed to solve your reader’s problems. Moreover, they are customized for the audience down to the brand voice, and I include the best and latest SEO practices in every stroke. To top it all off, I add clear and power-packed CTAs. WEBSITE CONTENT Writing web content is not the same as blogs. Blogs provide useful ever-green content revolving around your area of expertise. However, web content is designed to sell your brand and services to your readers. It’s all about why they should choose you over your competitors. And because of this, my copywriting services are more important to compel, persuade, and create engagement. I am skilled in creating web content with just the right amount of ‘we’ without coming across as narcissistic or too much. REVIEWS WRITING A big percentage of consumers trust online reviews. But even with this knowledge, entrepreneurs still make mistakes when writing product reviews. Unlike other content forms, you cannot just write it, or make it about personal experience. Reviews need to be a perfect blend of experience and information designed to create a clear image of the product in the customer's mind. Unfortunately, it takes time to write long-form compelling reviews. But on the bright side, I take up the task and do the heavy lifting. I spend time researching and understanding the product to explain the benefits to your customers efficiently. I know setting up a website and positioning yourself as an authority is hard work. At times balancing between online tasks and the business is almost impossible. My rates are very affordable and I provide big discounts for bulk orders, Contact me now for creative, engaging, and compelling casino and financial content.

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  • Financial Writing
  • Landing Page
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • SEO Writing
  • Gambling
  • CFD Analysis
  • Financial Trading

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