Juan Gabriel D.
100% Job Success
Top Rated Plus

Professional Book Designer and Consultant

Hello everyone! I'm a professional formatter with a creative approach to each project. I'm interested in challenging book and magazine design jobs. I work with Adobe InDesign and know HTML formatting to make custom Kindle eBooks or Apple iBooks. I can help you navigate the steps of self-publishing and prepare your book to meet the best practices of distribution both in print and digital, getting ISBNs and keywords for Amazon KDP, Apple Books, Kobo, Barnes&Noble, Lulu, and other aggregators. I'm a native Spanish speaker, I'm fluent in English, and I can carry a conversation in Portuguese. Please check out my work history and endorsements. If you have any questions I'll be happy to jump in a 15-minute Zoom call to answer you. Looking forward to working for you!

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  • Typesetting
  • Book Cover


Endorsements from past clients

"I've been working with Juan Gabriel for more than 2 years now and I can say he is one of the most reliable and professional freelancers that've worked with, if not the very best. He's a true expert in his field and always goes beyond my expectations. I hired him the first time for the editorial design of my book and other important tasks, and the results were amazing. He's committed to deadlines and follow up on your feedback on a daily basis. By now, I've worked with him a total of 7 book titles, going from layout design, typesetting, and formatting to book cover and 3D mockups for my various marketing needs. I recommend Juan Gabriel completely. "

Jorge Z. | CEO & Founder at REACHING GOALS INC.
eBook and Book formatting Sep 2022


"I hired Juan initially to help with some ebook production and translation of our materials into Spanish- as well as putting them up on our kindle site. That was probably a year or so ago now, since then Juan has become an integral part of our team and we use his services (ebook conversion, graphics, translation, design help, and many other abilities) to complete many additional projects. We couldn't be happier with his work and he is extremely reliable and helpful. He does an excellent job on whatever projects I give him and I wouldn't think twice to hire him. He is truly a valued member of our team now and we work with him at least a few times a month on a variety of tasks."

Katie C. | Global Communications and Marketing Director
Translations and Formatting Aug 2022


"We hired Juan to help us format, not one, but THREE #1 BEST-SELLING sales and business books ("Seven Figure Social Selling," "Sales Secrets", and "Whatever it Takes" on Amazon)! Along the way, he has helped format an additional 15 books in our Seven-Figure Sales System (soon to be released) along with the sales training courses that accompany the books. Working with Juan always goes so smoothly, and outside of his formatting skills, he is always willing to give strategic insight and advice when we seek it throughout each project. Juan is by far my favorite person to work with on a daily basis, as his process is smooth, he is very responsive, willing to do whatever it takes, and is very insightful. When it comes to working with Juan, you could not pick a better partner!"

Dana E. | Director of Content & Social Media
Desktop Publishing Consultancy Feb 2021
