sushil k.
98% Job Success
Top Rated Plus

Joomla Expert

Hello, I'm Sushil Kumar ! I'm Joomla Expert / Joomla Developer with 14+ years of experience in web application development. Here is a list of skills and qualifications that can help me stand out as a Joomla Developer and full stack developer : ====== Joomla Services I offered ====== ✔ Responsive Theme development from scratch or PSD provided. ✔ Customizing and creating Joomla Extensions for all Joomla versions. ✔ JMigrating old Joomla 1.5 websites to Joomla 2.5 / Joomla 3.0 / Joomla 4 versions. ✔ JSpeed optimizations and Clean up. ====== Wordpress Services I offered ====== ✔ PSD to Wordpress Theme. ✔ Creating custom functions or shortcode. ✔ Use actions and filters. ✔ Wordpress Theme as well as Plugin Customization & Web Stores. -✔ Woo commerce & E-commerce: -Custom plugins, Templates, Setup, Debugging and customization. ====== Shopify Services I offered ====== ✔ Shopify Store Setup ✔ Shopify website Design / Development ✔ Shopify Theme Customizations ✔ Shopify apps Customizations ✔ Shopify site Optimization Front-end Development =================== ✔ JavaScript, ReactJs, Vuejs (for front-end development) ✔ PHP (for back-end development) ✔ HTML/CSS for front-end web development ✔ Proficiency in modern front-end frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue.js ✔ Responsive web design using CSS and media queries ✔ Experience with HTML5 and CSS3 Back-end Development ================== ✔ Laravel ✔ Node.Js CMS ==== ✔ Joomla ✔ Wordpress ✔ Shopify Databases ======== ✔ Knowledge of database design, optimization, and querying ✔ MySQL ✔ PostgreSQL ✔ MongoDB ✔ Firebase API Development ============== ✔ Building and consuming RESTful and GraphQL APIs ✔ Knowledge of API authentication and security ✔ Version Control/Git: Proficiency in using Git for version control and collaboration with other developers. Server Management ================ ✔ Knowledge of server configurations and hosting platforms (e.g., Godaddy, Siteground, AWS, Heroku, DigitalOcean). Testing and Debugging ================== ✔ Proficiency in writing unit tests, end-to-end tests, and debugging code effectively. Security ======= ✔ Awareness of web security best practices and how to prevent common web vulnerabilities like Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and SQL injection. Mobile Development ================ ✔ Experience in mobile app development using frameworks like React Native or Flutter can be a bonus. Other Skills and Integration I have done so far =================================== ✔ SMS API Integration: Twilio, Plivo, Clickatell, Clickatell-Platform, Planet, Nexmo, Msg91, Africastalking, Semysms, Routesms, Http Get/Post and etc. ✔ Email API Integration: Smtp, Sendgrid, Mailgun, Mandrill and etc) ✔ Email autoresponder API Integration: Mailchimp, Sendinblue, Mautic, Activecampaign, Acelle and etc. ✔ Payment Gateway API Integration: Paypal, Stripe, Mollie, Razorpay, Paystack, Mercadopago, Sslcommerz, Senangpay, Instamojo, Toyyibpay, Xendit, Myfatoorah, Paymaya, Tiko, Bizum, Paymob etc. For my 13 years of experience in the industry and I have been working with different countries across the globe. # USA - Alaska, New York, Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Indiana, Iowa, Nebraska, Texas, Virginia, Washington, Illinois, Hawaii ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Australia - Sydney, Queensland, Victoria, Brisbane, Perth, Melbourne ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Canada - Vancouver, Winnipeg, Brampton, Cambridge, London, Ottawa, Toronto ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # United Kingdom - England, Scotland, Wales, Manchester ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Germany - Berlin, Hamburg, Bremen A few things about me : ✅ I am passionate about solving problems and getting things done. ✅ I love to write clean, readable, and maintainable code. ✅ I have excellent attention to detail, and I always make sure to cover all corner cases. ✅ I have almost 24/7 online and respond very quickly. ✅ I prefer long-term projects. " Converting my client's design idea's into websites is my personal motto."

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  • Website Redesign
  • WordPress
  • WordPress Plugin
  • PSD to WordPress
  • On-Page SEO
  • SEO Audit
  • Mobile App
  • Technical SEO
  • Laravel

Get started working with sushil quickly with these predefined projects.

Get started working with sushil quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get a complete Google Analytics fixes, setup

From $90
3 days delivery

You will get a complete solution to all your WordPress website related issues

From $100
2 days delivery

You will get Increase your website page speed and optimize it

From $250
5 days delivery

You will get done all types of Joomla tasks

From $50
2 days delivery


Endorsements from past clients

"I hired them because of a problem with the site. They have an exceptional team of dedicated people, who know how to create a website, create complicated web applications, do great SEO optimization. They are very reliable and it is a great pleasure to work with them."

Vladimir Z. | General surgeon & founder@LekarInfo
Website Development Jul 2021
