Pradip G.
100% Job Success
Top Rated Plus

.NET Developer | Core | Blazor | MAUI | MVC | Python | Flask | Django

I have over 15 years of experience making innovative solutions for businesses to perform better. My expertise lies in figuring out what each business needs. Making robust and user-friendly solutions that work across various industries. My positive testimonials highlight my performance and are available on my profile.  Technical proficiency: - C#, ASP.NET Core, MVC, WebForm, WinForm, Blazor, WebAPI, ASP.NET Identity - Rest API, gRPC, Python, Flask, and Django - SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, SQLite, Entity Framework Core, and Dapper - ASP.NET boilerplate, Onion, Repository, Unit of Work Architecture, Microservice, and OOPs - JavaScript, JQuery, CSS, and Bootstrap 3/4 - Telerik, Devexpress, and SyncFusion - Azure, AWS, Digital Ocean, GoDaddy, and WebHosting My standout qualities on Upwork are: Dedication to delivering top-tier work, regardless of project size Extensive and diverse skill set Recognised as a Top-Rated Plus developer by clients Prompt communication paired with a strong work ethic Optimistic, honest, and innovative approach to every project   I guarantee quality work, and I aim to maintain long-term connections. Additionally, I stay updated on new technologies and tools to provide top-notch services. I always do my best to provide the best service for a long-term business relationship with my customers. Ready to discuss your project requirements and how I can help you achieve your goals? Let's connect! Thank you!

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  • SQL
  • Telerik
  • Blazor
  • ASP.NET Core
  • FastAPI

Get started working with Pradip quickly with these predefined projects.

Get started working with Pradip quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get .NET Web Developer | Blazor | MAUI | MVC | Core |.ASPX Webform

From $200
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