Vishal G.
100% Job Success

Skilled Photo Retoucher - Ecommerce and personalized editing services.

As an Artist and Designer I know how valuable your photos are and I can understand your additional requirements. I've 7 years of experience as a Photo Retoucher. Now I am working as freelancer from last 1 year. As a Photoshop artist my favorite tools for editing images are Adobe Photoshop, Light room, Illustrator, etc.. Customer satisfaction is crucial for me. My creative skills and hard work have always resulted in positive results and made satisfactory client base. I complete the projects on time and meet the client expectations. I can help you create best quality images at a very reasonable estimate.

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  • Cover Art Design
  • Graphic Design
  • Fashion Modeling
  • Flash 3D
  • Photography
  • Photo Editing
  • Cartoon Art