Gopal S.
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Senior WordPress Expert / Gravity Forms Expert / Project Manager

I have been a professional web developer since 7+ years now and now trying to give services as a Freelancer. I have myriad of experience on sites big and small, I am working for Hybrid apps with Ionic framework too. I use the best of technologies to deliver solution quickly, reliably and in a cost effective manner. I am driven and motivated and handle responsibilities well. Looking for short and long term on going projects. Skill set is as following : I am well experienced in Linux Server Administration. I have deep knowledge of WordPress Core, WordPress Plugins, WordPress Themes, and WordPress Customization and specialist in Gravity forms. I am currently working on Hybrid apps for IOS and Android using Ionic Framework. Have a deep knowledge of XMPP server based on Ejabberd for Real time chat solution. Language: PHP, C, C++ Design: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, SASS Script: Angular JS, NodeJS, JavaScript, jQuery, AJax Databases: MySql, postgresql, sqlite, mongodb Testing: Selenium, Webkit, API Integration: Twilio-API Integration, S3, Payment getaways, Facebook, twitter, Linkedin, Server: Heroku, Amazon. Project Management tools: Github, bitbucket ✓ Experience with PHP, MySQL, WordPress, Custom WordPress Plugins and Themes Development, Modifying WordPress Core, WordPress Hooks, Shortcodes, Metadata, Custom Post Types and Taxonomies, etc. ✓ Experience with Top WordPress Themes and Frameworks including X Theme, OptimizePress, Avada, Headway, Genesis, Thesis, Divi, Gantry, PageLines, etc. ✓ Experience with Top WordPress Plugins including WooCommerce, BuddyPress, bbPress, Gravity Forms, Contact Form 7, Yoast, W3 Total Cache, Revolution Slider, Layer Slider, MailChimp For WP, BackupBuddy, etc. ✓ Experience with Bootstrap, Foundation, Angular, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, etc. ✓ Rich experienced in crafting high-end Logo, Mockups for Websites and Mobile Apps, Posters/Flyers, Banners, Facebook, Linkedin, G+ Pages, Corporate Identity, Illustrations, Print ads, etc. And, I am always open for new ideas and working in a creative way. ✓ Experience and Knowledge of Latest Design Trends, viz. Minimalist Design, Material Design, Flat Design, Parallax Design, One Page Design, etc. ✓ Proficient in Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and InDesign, and I have background in both Print and Web design.

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  • WordPress
  • SQL
  • Apache Cordova

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