Natalie S.
Llandrindod WellsUnited Kingdom
100% Job Success


I am a writer and translator specialising in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), health, and nutrition. I graduated with an honours degree in Traditional Acupuncture in 2007, and in 2012 won a six-month scholarship to study advanced TCM at Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine in Harbin, China. In 2014 I returned to China, where I lived for a further two years, studying TCM herbal medicine, nutrition, and Mandarin Chinese. It was during this time that I discovered my passion for writing and began work on my first book, The Qi of Tea. The book discusses the history and use of tea in Chinese medicine and culture it is currently out of print while I work on the second edition. Over the past few years, I have written web content for a wide variety of clients in the health and well-being niche, covering topics ranging from vitamin supplements to medical cannabis. I have also collaborated on several journal articles, including pieces for The Journal of Chinese Medicine, The European Journal of Oriental Medicine, and Integrative Medicine Research. My second book, Menopause: A Comprehensive Guide for Practitioners, was published in 2022. This textbook is intended for Chinese medicine and acupuncture practitioners wishing to deepen their understanding of menopause and covers biomedical and TCM theory, lifestyle, and nutritional advice.

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