100% Job Success
Top Rated Plus

Expert WordPress/WooCommerce | LearnDash | BuddyBoss | PHP Developer

Hi, 🏆 Top Rated Plus Upwork freelancer 💯 100% Job Success Score 💪 13+ years of experience 🕓 6000 + hours worked Expert web design and developer since 2009, located in Pakistan. My specialization embraces the complete range of services in web design and development. I have much experience for any level of difficulty projects. I have done Dozens of Projects in PHP, MySQL and web technologies related to PHP like * Wordpress * Woocommerce * Joomla * Code Ignitor * Magento * Different API's and Payment processing systems I show my skills in different kind of complex projects and provide customized solutions. I am always ready to provide my customers with original design ideas, robust and scalable applications, dedicated technical assistance and support. I have successfully completed many projects for my clients from USA, UK, France, Germany, UAE, South Africa and other countries from all continents except for Antarctica. Feel free to contact me and looking forward for having business with you! Thank you

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  • WooCommerce
  • WordPress
  • RESTful API
  • WordPress Customization
  • Plugin Development
  • Ecommerce Website
  • Theme Development

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Get started working with MUHAMMAD quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get WooCommerce store, Payment gateway setup

From $99
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