Aman K.
100% Job Success
Top Rated Plus

YII , YII2, Laravel,CI, Laravel , Python, Django

I have 10+ years experience and I am proud to present my expertise in Web development Nodejs ,SailsJs ,ExpressJs , cryptocurrency block chain developer , Blockchain -Bitcoin Ethereum , Yii, Laravel, Codeigniter, CakePHP , Opencart, Symfony , Flutter , PHP , Custom CRM , Haybrid Apps , Payment Gateways . I have have working as a node js developer for last two years. So it will be good to have asset like me in your team. It's important to me to build long term relationships with clients, so I'm primarily looking for long term projects. Android Skills: Advanced UI Design , Kotlin, SQLlite, Firebase,Google Map Api, In App Billing, Fragment, Facebook Api, Twitter API, Json , Rest Webservice Integration, QR Code, Background Service, GPS Service, Bluetooth Integration, Admob, OAuth, Parse, FTP Server API, Photo Gallery, RSS Feed Reader, Widget Api, WallPaper Live Framework, IME Keyboard, Flutter , Audio/Video Steam, Git, SVN, LibGdx, Android Studio, Eclipse, Volley, Retrofit, Picasso (caching library), Android Wear, amazon aws , aws set up, Amazon Web Services etc The fastest, most versatile and professional available for your project. I focus on accuracy and efficiency, ensuring that your project is done perfectly. I believe in going above and beyond to serve you and your business with my expertise. * Availability: 40+hours/week. * Excellent communication skills.

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  • Laravel
  • Yii
  • MySQL
  • Flutter