Zarko Z.
100% Job Success

SEO/PPC/Lead Generation Consultant - Analytics Specialist

Marketing veteran of over 10+ years in the SEO & SEM industry. Demand & Lead Generation expert with experience across all platforms and partner networks available. Experience in content marketing and doing SEO projects have thought me one thing, always learn, always develop. Marketing is an ever-changing field, which is why I always stay on top of news and updates and why my clients are always satisfied and penalty-free. My goal is to always stay on top of the marketing game and provide my clients with the best possible services. My specialties include: - Demand Gen planning & execution - Strategy Creation - PCC optimization (Adwords/Adroll/ABM networks/LinkedIn) - Content strategy planning & delivery - Reputation management - Google Analytics & E-Commerce Integration - Link Analysis - Toxic Link Cleanup I offer a full digital marketing experience from branding to product promotion including affiliate and email marketing in addition to the services highlighted above. Contact me to get started...

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  • Search Engine Marketing
  • Content Management
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Facebook