Tracy M.
100% Job Success

Experienced Voice Talent for Voice Overs and Singing

I am a professional vocalist and voice over artist. I look forward to bringing your scripts and original music to life!! Voice Overs: High quality professional voice overs, perfect for Commercials, IVR, Narrations, Explainer Videos, Tutorials, Short Stories, Video Games, and more!!! Professionally voiced scripts, in an American-English voice. All voice overs are recorded with professional equipment. The finished recording will be saved in either .mp3 or .wav formats. My vocal quality is bubbly, but warm. Your material is presented in a polished, professional, yet friendly, style. I have worked in the medical field for almost 30 years, specifically in medical research. Music Vocals: Hello Songwriters! I am a professional vocalist with well over 20 years of experience. I will make a clean recording of your song. My voice has a sultry but pure tone. Although I do have nearly a 2.5 active range, I prefer to sing songs in a lower key. I sing in a variety of styles, such as, Jazz, Folk, Blues, Rock, Spirituals & Contemporary Christian. I will not sing any songs that are explicit or have offensive lyrics. Please send me your lyrics, the backing track and a sample vocal of the melody line. I will send you a clean vocal recording in .mp3 or .wav format, for you to mix with your music tracks. I offer one (1) correction for issues that are due to an error on my part. Thanks so much and I look forward to voicing and singing for you!!!

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  • US English Dialect
  • Female
  • Authoritative Tone
  • Middle-Aged Adult
  • Emotional Tone
  • Energetic Tone
  • Corporate Tone
  • Voice Acting
  • Casual Tone
  • Voice Recording

Get started working with Tracy quickly with these predefined projects.

Get started working with Tracy quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get a highly professional VO for your Web/Digital presence

From $150
2 days delivery

You will get an professional greeting for company phone system/IVR

From $45
2 days delivery