Ankur V.
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WordPress Expert | Custom Plugins & Customization | API Integration

Hi, My name is Ankur Vishwakarma, and I'm a WordPress plugins and APIs expert with over 10 years of experience. My speciality is custom development, which includes creating custom plugins, templates, and blocks, and making adjustments to existing plugins and themes using their hooks. I'm also proficient in integrating APIs from WordPress to any third-party platform using their API endpoints, and I make sure to use proper structure and caching methods. In addition, I can help you upload your plugins to and make sure the code adheres to WP coding standards, which include sanitization, validation, and escaping. While I'm not a core designer, I can still help you personalize your website by customizing CSS and HTML. If you need any help with projects that require similar skills, I'm always here for you. Just give me a shout, and I'll be happy to help you out! Additional Information - --------------------------- 1) Services I provide: - Custom WordPress features with custom plugins. - Customization of existing theme or plugin features. - Future updates proof customizations using hooks in themes and plugins. - Integrating WP websites with third-party platforms using their APIs. - Conflicts fixing and security updates - Code optimization to apply proper coding standards that include, sanitization, escaping and validation. - Help uploading plugins to - Making paid plugins. 2) Projects and Expertise: I have done several large projects. Let me introduce a few of them. - An advanced WooCommerce search with an algorithm to provide results the way Amazon does. - A freelance system that helps merchants and clients to share the work scope and estimate. It has all the features a freelance system has. - A meal planner that generates based on heavy logic and provides weekly, monthly and yearly diet meal plans based on user preferences and goals. A WooCommerce proxy system where an agent takes users on call and adds the product to the cart on their behalf based on their needs and sends a custom checkout URL to let the user checkout and generate an order. - A WooCommerce-based raffle system where the system auto-selects winners, charges them and creates orders. On the other hand, all non-winners get an email notification. The system checks each winner's card and, if found invalid, then choose another winner from the list. - Learndash-based course distribution system allows users to buy an all-access pass or individual courses. Also, please provide them with a favourite courses page to sort the classes as per their need. I am looking for great clients and awesome projects. So, please let me know if you have such projects and we can do an interview to further discussion. Best Regards Ankur V.

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  • Plugin Customization
  • WordPress Plugin
  • WordPress Development
  • Time & Cost Estimate
  • Forms Plugin
  • Membership Plugin
  • API Integration

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You will get smooth working WordPress functionality with proper coding standard

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You will get a zip of WordPress plugin with requested functionality

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