Megan B.
100% Job Success
Top Rated Plus

Professional Voice Talent w/ 15+ years experience

Warm, engaging voice over with a top rating on Upwork! Not only that, but I can turn projects around FAST! Home studio with professional recording equipment, so you receive top quality audio. American female, accent neutral. Ideal for: E-Learning, Video Voice Overs, Product Demos, Radio/TV ad VOs, Guided Tourism, Children's Books, and more! I am confident that I will give you the right delivery for your audio - girl next door, friendly teacher/educator, children's book character voices, caring motherly voice, upbeat/energetic motivator - I can adapt to your project's need! Are you trying to take your project to the next level? Voice overs, voice acting, IVR - let me help your audio stand out! I promise a quick turnaround and top quality audio. Typically, I provide 2-3 samples of the requested audio so that, together, we can hone in on the perfect vocal delivery for your project. Final products are then turned around quickly! Give a listen to a few of my samples, I'd love to work with you soon to pump your project up to the next level. If you're interested in hearing a more customized demo, I am always happy to provide a small portion of your script (30 seconds or less) voiced free of charge - it gives you the opportunity to hear my voice on your project, and truly make the best decision for your needs!

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  • Podcast
  • Webinar
  • Voice Acting
  • Narration
  • Business Presentation
  • Corporate Video
  • Medical Narration
  • Social Media Content

Get started working with Megan quickly with these predefined projects.

Get started working with Megan quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get a professional English eLearning, education, mobile app game voice over

From $40
2 days delivery

You will get a professional podcast intro and outro voice with background music

From $25
2 days delivery

You will get a high quality American female voice over, English female voice actor

From $40
2 days delivery

You will get a professional friendly voicemail greeting, phone message or IVR prompts

From $20
2 days delivery


Endorsements from past clients

"We have worked with Megan for a number of years now and she is firmly on our speed-dial list for anything North American related. Great voice and delivery. True professional and very responsive in our experience."

Shaon T. | CEO
Voice Over Feb 2020


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