Maria Danica D.
Binan LagunaPhilippines
100% Job Success
Top Rated Plus

Amazon Account Specialist | Virtual Assistant

I am an Amazon Virtual Assistant seeking a full-time position in the field of Amazon e-commerce where I can apply my knowledge and skills and help Amazon Store Owners grow their businesses. If you are looking for an excellent, passionate, professional, and trustworthy Virtual Assistant for your business, YOU ALREADY FOUND ONE. As a Virtual Assistant for years with more than 13,000 hours on Upwork, I am trained to deliver quality output for every client I’ve worked with. I am hardworking and have the ability to learn. I always make sure that my client's needs are being exceeded. I also have a high fluency in English, am deadline-oriented, and with high attention to detail. Above all, I am a responsible and God-fearing person. By combining my technical background in Amazon with my passion for customer service, I help my clients to steer their businesses to greater heights. MY TOP ONLINE SKILLS: 1. Amazon 2. Real Virtual Assistant 3. Basic Social Media Management 4. WordPress Blog Management 5. Database Management 6. Customer Service AMAZON SKILLS SET: 1. Product Research 2. Supplier Sourcing 3. Keyword Research 4. Listing Creation 5. Customer Service 6. Inventory Management 7. Amazon Sponsored Ads SOFTWARES / PROGRAMS 1. Internet Communications – Skype, Zoom, Google Hangouts, Viber, WhatsApp 2. Social Media – Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, Instagram, 3. Project Management Tools – Asana, Trello, Slack, Google Docs, Facebook Workplace 4. Virtual Assistance – MS Office (Excel, Word, PowerPoint), Gmail (Email, Docs, Calendar, Drive) 5. Canva – for simple designs

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