Chris C.
TopshamUnited Kingdom
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Copyeditor/Proofreader, Business Analyst and IT Consultant

I am a qualified and experienced Copyeditor/Proofreader and senior Business Consultant, with excellent written and spoken English. Excellent Editing & Proofreading skills (see my client feedback) Excellent written and spoken (British) English (see my test scores) Excellent Presentation writing skills I have extensive experience of editing a range of material, including scientific papers, theses, eBooks, nonfiction (especially Business topics) and poetry. I have edited more than 30 published titles, including work published by OUP, CUP, Wiley, Palgrave Macmillan and SAGE (scientific journals). I am a Professional Member of the Chartered Institute of Editors and Proofreaders (CiEP - previously the SfEP), the UK's professional body. I have authored and edited a wide range of Business documents including Annual Reports, Prospectuses, Business Plans and Proposal submissions. I am also a professional Business Analyst / IT Consultant specialising in Customer Value Management. I have extensive experience developing Business Cases, RFPs and Project Plans. Career highlights: - ex McKinsey & Co. - Set up and CTO of $10m Business/IT Consulting company - ex Cambridge University (MA in Theoretical Physics)

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  • LaTeX
  • Academic Editing
  • Analytics
  • Typesetting
  • Proofreading

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Get started working with Chris quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get a personal review of your editing work from a top professional

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You will get a native English mentor who will coach your writing skills

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