MD. Toriqul I.
99% Job Success
Top Rated Plus

Cold Email Deliverability Expert - Mautic - PowerMTA - Mailwizz

I’m a Cold Email Delivery Expert and Server Administrator, and I have over ten years of experience. I have been working with “P. J. Entrepreneur’s Innovation Incubator” since January 2012. I visited his workplace in China and Malaysia and have contributed significantly towards making his business a success. I have experience with 1. Cold Email System Setup 2. WHM/cPanel Setup and Maintenance, 3. CentOS, Ubuntu, Any VPS or Dedicated server on DigitalOcean, RackSpace, 4. Linode, AWS and All similar servers, 5. PowerMTA, Postfix Email Server, 6. SendGraph, MailChimp, Aweber, GetResponse. ConstantContact and all other similar marketing platforms, 7. WordPress, 8. OptimizePress, 9. LeadPages, 10. DAP WordPress Membership Platform, 11. SendBlaster, 12 Sendy, Mailwizz, Interspire, Mautic and 13. KleenData Email List Cleaning system to prevent spam complaints. Would you please check my personal site for more information and clients testimonials? My experience managing email campaigns for more than nine years now allows me to help business owners develop the best email marketing strategies. I strive to ensure that campaigns are running successfully with higher delivery and conversion rates. I make sure that emails are delivered to the INBOX and not the SPAM box. I understand what individual business's needs are to create more targeted campaigns. I am ultimately helping businesses grow by streamlining and optimizing their email marketing campaigns to generate maximum conversions. I am a hard worker and significantly want to contribute to a business's success. I guarantee that my work will be satisfactory by trying my best and giving every client maximum attention.

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  • DNS
  • Email Support
  • Email Security
  • Mautic
  • Virtual Private Server
  • Email Deliverability
  • SMTP
  • Cold Calling
  • Audience Segmentation & Targeting
  • Email Marketing
  • Sendy
  • MailWizz
  • Bulk Marketing

Get started working with MD. Toriqul quickly with these predefined projects.

Get started working with MD. Toriqul quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get an email server configured for marketing campaign

From $100
3 days delivery

You will get an email marketing management service for your business

From $20
3 days delivery