Alina S.
100% Job Success
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Infographics Design. Isometric Infographics Design

✓Boost your visual aesthetics creatively & efficiently. ✓Infographics, illustrations, isometric illustrations - comprehensive solution for your business. What I do: illustrations - isometric illustrations - technical illustrations - simple illustrations - outline style illustrations - full color illustrations - illustrations for web infographics - process infographics - isometric infographics - 2d infographics - minimal infographics - data visualization - static infographics - dynamic (animated) infographics - explainers banners - web banners - isometric banners - 2d banners - minimal style banners - banners with infographics elements - banners with illustration - vector banners - animated banners in gif or svg (vector scalable) icons - simple icons in a single context - vector icons - animated icons in gif, svg - isometric icons - 2d / flat icons If you would like to review any additional work or have any questions please feel free to write me.

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  • UI Animation
  • Animated GIF
  • Animated Explainer
  • Logo Animation
  • Web UI
  • UI Graphics