Dharmik s.
100% Job Success
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Professional Certified Salesforce Developer

Over 8+ years of experience, I have an experience in development with salesforce and also accomplished more than 115 various projects with various skills mentioned as- - Develop & Manager salesforce applications - Force.com development - Records Type - Security Settings - Workflows & approval process - Profiles & roles - Apex classes, triggers, schedule class and batch classes - API integration using SOAP & REST API - Website development in CMS system using PHP, E-commerce website. My aim is to offer scalability and flexibility to the various organizations and individuals with our cloud computing and Salesforce solutions which also include growing client and reduce human efforts because I believe once human efforts reduced by an automated system, the client will automatically growth. If you are looking for something similar expert then I would like to invite on my profile to try because I strongly believe that we will have long term relationship! Thank you!

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  • jQuery
  • WordPress
  • WooCommerce
  • Salesforce App Development
  • Apex
  • Moodle

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You will get integration between Salesforce and AWS

From $1,800
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